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Technical Articles & Industry Trends

How to Surf the IIOT Technology Wave

Jul 16, 2015 by Shira Sagal

Background: In manufacturing industries the IoT becomes the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) often referred to as Industry 4.0 in Europe....


Person surfing a giant wave overlayed with circuits and the words BIG Data

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Enhanced EHR Security through TPM

Apr 22, 2015 by Shira Sagal

Charlotte, NC - According to a ProPublica internet article post in February of 2015, there have been more than 78 million people who were...


A set of keys and two sizes of the Teguar TP-3040 series of industrial computers

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

A Crescendo of Total Patient Care

Oct 03, 2014 by Shira Sagal

Charlotte, NC - For persons working in a medical field or working in relation to medical device development it may be of interest that ...


Medical Caduceus next to two Teguar TP-3040-15M medical panel pcs

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Teguar makes your tablet dream come true

Sep 01, 2012 by Teguar Computers

If you have dreamed of a ruggedized Tablet PC: light, easily portable, waterproof, dustproof but able to run the commonly used operating...


Various rugged tablet applications

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

IP69k – Highest protection class for waterproof touch computer

Aug 28, 2010 by Teguar Computers

There is nothing sturdier. TEGUAR Industrial PCs have been given the highest protection class available for electronic devices: IP69k. This means...


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