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Technical Articles & Industry Trends

How do medical tablet PCs differ from iPads in healthcare applications?

Jun 12, 2018 by Tom Poplawski

When someone argues that an iPad can run the same application as a certified medical computer they are most likely correct to some limitation....


Healthcare professional touches the screen of a medical tablet

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Trends in Medical Tablet PCs

May 18, 2018 by Tom Poplawski

A brief comparison of early generation and current generation healthcare digital tablets.   Early Generation Medical Tablet PCs   Current...


Healthcare professional touches the screen of a medical tablet

Product Announcements

Teguar Brings New Ergonomic Medical Tablet PC TMT-4395-10 to Healthcare Market

Jan 10, 2018 by Teguar Computers

Teguar's TMT-4395-10 is a pervious generation product. See our other medical tablet PCs or our rugged tablet PCs. Charlotte, NC - Teguar is introducing...


Four Teguar medical devices including a medical tablet, a medical box pc and two medical monitors

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Why Medical Certification IEC 60601-1 4th Edition Matters

Dec 06, 2017 by Tom Poplawski

What is IEC 60601-1 4th Edition? One of the first things to understand is what this standard is and why is it a requirement for medically...


Medical Electronic Device IEC 60601-1 4th Edition Certification

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

How Tablet PCs are Changing Healthcare

Jun 27, 2017 by Teguar Computers

In healthcare, computers and electronics have long played an important part in diagnosing, healing, and recording patient ailments. Now that...


Doctor using a medical tablet pc

Product Announcements

New Medical-Grade and Certified Tablet

Feb 28, 2017 by Teguar Computers

Charlotte, NC - Teguar is excited to introduce the TMT-4375-12, a 12” medical-grade tablet. The fanless unit features an Intel quad core Atom...


Doctor looking at medical tablet while nurse assisting a patient in hospital

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

5 Benefits of Using Tablets in Healthcare

Feb 24, 2017 by Teguar Computers

In the healthcare field, technologies are always evolving. Advances made that affect the day to day work of medical professionals sometimes are...


Doctor examining patient's report on medical tablet in hospital room

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Teguar makes your tablet dream come true

Sep 01, 2012 by Teguar Computers

If you have dreamed of a ruggedized Tablet PC: light, easily portable, waterproof, dustproof but able to run the commonly used operating...


Various rugged tablet applications