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Teguar has been a vendor at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society's Global Health Conference & Exhibition every year since 2014. Read along as we elaborate on Teguar's experiences at HIMSS conferences throughout the years.

Teguar Knowledge Center Posts
tagged with Teguar at HIMSS

Product Announcements

Teguar Brings New Ergonomic Medical Tablet PC TMT-4395-10 to Healthcare Market

Jan 10, 2018 by Teguar Computers

Teguar's TMT-4395-10 is a pervious generation product. See our other medical tablet PCs or our rugged tablet PCs. Charlotte, NC - Teguar is introducing...


Four Teguar medical devices including a medical tablet, a medical box pc and two medical monitors


Teguar at HIMSS 2015

Feb 03, 2015 by Teguar Computers

April 13-15, 2015 Teguar will be in Chicago, IL at HIMSS15 showcasing new medical computers that are designed to build on excellence. Every...


Teguar Computers to Exhibit at HIMSS 15, April 13-15 in Chicago IL


Teguar at HIMSS 2014 - The Largest Healthcare Show in America

Jan 01, 2014 by Teguar Computers

February 24-26 of this year Teguar Computers will be exhibiting and showing off new products including our newest Medical Grade PC and...


Teguar TME-2240-19 infotainment terminal