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Case Studies

Food Processing Line Technology: A Case Study with Teguar 

Jun 03, 2024 by Emily Vrettos

Introduction With over a decade of experience in delivering advanced industrial and medical computing solutions, Teguar has equipped numerous...


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Case Studies

Addressing Food Process Industry Hardware Needs: A Collaboration Case Study 

May 22, 2024 by Emily Vrettos

The recent collaboration between a food production software company, and Teguar, a leading provider of industrial computing solutions, epitomizes...


Collaboration Case Study Blog Thumbnail

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Waterproof PCs Play a Crucial Role in Food and Beverage Automation

May 20, 2024 by Lisha DeSantis

The rising costs food manufacturers experienced over the past few years, and the resulting pressure from consumers and retailers to reduce price...


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Product Announcements

Technology that Makes a Splash: Teguar’s Waterproof Touchscreen Computer Series

Aug 18, 2023 by Emily Vrettos

Waterproof computers consistently show their ability to defy expectations, whether facing complete submersion or enduring intense pressure washing....


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Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Stainless Steel PC Case vs Waterproof Computer: Which Should You Use?

Jun 30, 2023 by Emily Vrettos

When it comes to protecting your valuable computer components, choosing the right care is essential. Two popular options that offer different...


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Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Ensuring Food and Beverage Compliance in Manufacturing

Jun 30, 2023 by Emily Vrettos

In the food and beverage industry, compliance with regulations and standards is of paramount importance. From food safety to labeling requirements,...


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Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Benefits of Waterproof Computers

Jun 12, 2023 by Emily Vrettos

In today’s technologically advanced world, computers play a crucial role in various industries. From manufacturing plants to food processing...


Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Guide to Food and Beverage Production

Jun 05, 2023 by Emily Vrettos

Food and beverage production is a dynamic and intricate process that requires careful attention to detail and a commitment to delivering products...