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We connected with some impressive individuals in the medical community this week, and we’re raring to get started on supporting their ideas.
Team members were invited to inspect our newest computer, interact with it, and learn about its most exciting features.
We're bringing a full team to HIMSS25, excited to connect with healthcare professionals and medical device manufacturers.
MEDICA’s latest international trade show has come to a close. Teguar’s MEDICA 2024 team has packed up the exhibits and is preparing for their...
The new year will see the debut of a brand new Teguar medical computer, the TM-7200-24 Clarion 24" Medical All-in-One. Our specialists have been...
Technical Articles & Industry Trends
Windows 11 is having its day The latest edition of Microsoft’s dominating operating system has now been around for over three years....
In light of the recent port workers strike, Teguar President, Alex Daskalow, endeavored to put out a statement for our valued customers and industry...