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Home artificial intelligence

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Jetson Explained: Nvidia's Game-Changer in AI and Robotics

Jun 25, 2024 by Emily Vrettos

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fundamentally transforming the technology landscape. From smart homes brimming with intelligent devices to self-driving...


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Technical Articles & Industry Trends

AI-Powered Industrial Computers: Transforming Medicine, Agriculture, and Manufacturing

Jun 24, 2024 by Teguar Computers

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming many industries by revolutionizing operations through substantial data analysis, pattern and correlation...


AI Blog Thumbnail

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Deep Learning in Manufacturing: Build a Smart Factory with Teguar

Aug 15, 2023 by Jadon Valdez

Deep learning is perhaps the greatest advancement in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the last few decades. The range of use cases...


Feature Image for Deep Learning in Manufacturing Article

Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Deep Learning & Machine Learning: What Are the Differences?

Aug 03, 2023 by Jadon Valdez

In today’s tech world, talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it’s changing the industry is all the rage. Much like IoT in the mid-2010s...


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Technical Articles & Industry Trends

Advancements in Medical Computer Technology

Jul 31, 2023 by Emily Vrettos

Since its start in 2010, Teguar has been a pioneer in medical computer technology. Medical computer technology covers a broad spectrum of applications...


Advancements in Medical Technology Blog