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Home Knowledge Center The Benefits of Using Rugged Tablets

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The Benefits of Using Rugged Tablets

For a while, tablets were used mainly as a personal computer. Now, they are being utilized in other environments, including at work. However, using a tablet in industrial conditions is much different than in the home, with higher chances of accidents and the possibility of many people handling one unit. Rugged tablets have been designed to remedy those issues and ensure that your device lasts without failure over the years. They have many benefits that you can’t find with consumer grade tablets.

Common Applications

Metalworker with training people using industrial tabletRugged tablets are ideal in conditions where computing needs to be mobile. The military, emergency response teams, vehicles, warehousing, and outdoors are some of the many places that need a tablet computer that is more durable.

A Stronger and More Flexible Option

Tablets for the industrial space are constructed with rugged components and toughened materials. Since they are likely going to be handled by many different people throughout a shift, they have to be able to withstand any accidents that could happen. Many devices have IP65 or higher ingress protection ratings, meaning they are dust tight and protected from water spray. Another common certification is MIL-STD-810, which says the tablet was tested and is protected from drops from a height of four feet, as well as from vibration.  Rugged tablets have stronger touchscreen glass so they will not easily crack if they fall. They are usually fanless, which is important in industrial environments, warehousing, and outdoors because the unit will not suck in dirt or dust. Sunlight readable screens are available if your application calls for computing outside. The battery life can generally last a full work day without recharging. If a new battery is necessary on the job, many tablets have hot swappable batteries which allow for replacement without powering the device down.

Some devices have the option for cellular capabilities so that if you are in the field, you don’t need to wait until you have WiFi before sending your data. They are also equipped with GPS, and optional accessories like barcode scanners, fingerprint readers, and more to make your job more convenient and completely mobile.

Lower Long Term Cost

Auto worker with a rugged industrial tablet pc in a workshopWhile it may seem like a rugged tablet is more expensive than a commercial-grade one, you are actually saving money in the long run. Rugged devices last longer and are less prone to failure in industrial environments. With a commercial tablet, you could be having to repair or replace it several times a year, while rugged tablets are designed to last for years at a time without interruption. Most industrial vendors make sure that components are available for up to five years, just in case you do need to fix your tablet. With consumer products, parts and software can change year to year and replacement parts may not be available in the future in the event of a tablet failure.

Teguar’s Solutions

Teguar has several rugged tablet lines available, in various sizes depending on what you need. They can come with accessories like barcode scanners, fingerprint scanners, cameras, GPS, 3G/4G, speakers, and more. To find out how rugged tablets can improve your operations, contact us for more information on available options.